Friday 11 July 2014


What is Igloo Rebellion?
- Fed up with the 99 items, item limit? Finding it hard to edit your igloo? This event is perfect for you! Through the Igloo Rebellion, we hope to change these problems in order to help making igloos a more enjoyable experience. 

What do we want to achieve?
- We know that Cp won't get rid of the item limit yet why not raise it slightly! 120 items would be perfect as it would allow us to fill our igloos as well as adding more detail. If not, even 110 items would be fine. So many destined to be amazing igloos are scrapped due to the item limit and with the current limit, we can't show our creativity and explore our imaginations. Cp claims that igloos allow us to show off our creativity but that's not always the case.  

- As well as the item limit, finding items is a real struggle right now. The current scrolling system takes a while for item icons to load and it takes a while to find certain items. When you have bought as many items as me, it is harder to find items and some penguins find this extremely annoying meaning that igloo making interest will decrease. The bar at the top of the igloo editing system also hides a large area of the igloo, making it harder to decorate the walls when editing on a igloo location. What we need is a system where we use a grid to display our inventory items (like in the old style) but instead of clicking on an item and it is placed in our igloo for us (the old style), we can drag it and the grid will disappear whilst dragging so that we can edit on the full igloo/location without anything covering up the space.

How can we achieve this?
- Next Sunday (20th July) we will email Club Penguin support expressing our opinions on the current system in a hope that we can make a change. By us all emailing on the same day, CP will take notice of our concerns and won't brush the problems to one side. In this email you could mention what I have mentioned above as well as expressing your own opinion. Need help? Here is what my email will say :

Igloo editing is a much loved feature in Club Penguin and I'm sure you want your players to have the joy of showing their creativity. However, the new igloo editing system (introduced in 2012) needs some changes. A newer system would be great which would combine elements from both the old and current igloo editing systems. The new system could work by using a grid to display our inventory items (like in the old style) but instead of clicking on an item and it is placed in our igloo for us (the old style), we can drag it and the grid will disappear whilst dragging so that we can edit on the full igloo/location without anything covering up the space. As well as improving the editing system, A LOT of players have been asking about raising the item limit which currently stands at 99 items. I know that it wouldn't be possible to completely abandon the item limit but why not raise it? 120 would be perfect as it allows us to fill the igloo and also add in the extra detail which igloo makers are craving for. Don't get me wrong, I love some of the new features like editing on a location but if we want to give players the best experience you should pay attention to what the players are asking for. I hope you take my opinions on board, thank you and waddle on!

^If you want to, you can copy and paste this and use it in your email.
Thinks to consider :
  • You need to be polite and formal in your email or CP won't listen and the changes we are asking for likely wont happen.
  • Don't list the impossible, there will probably never be no item limit.
  • Send your emails on SUNDAY 20TH JULY! I will be sending out reminders.
Igloo community, are you with me? #IglooRebellion.

Links : 

Edit : Igloo Rebellion as an event is over but that doesn't mean you can't still send in emails to CP support regarding this situation ;)


  1. be honest... i think this might come with consequences

  2. I think mario may be right... Plus, I've contacted them before (about this issue) and they said it may not even be possible to increase the item limit due to technical reasons... Which is kinda disappointing :(

    1. With more people getting involved on the same day, they migh try and atleast sort something out. And what about the new igloo editing system I suggested?

    2. Well, I suppose it may help. I'm not all that familiar with the old editing system soo... And the only consequence I can see is just MORE unnecessary bugs. Don't get me wrong, though.Your ideas are kinda brilliant.

  3. Let's do this thing..

  4. I'd like a feature where you can type in the item's name or a word and items called that would appear like an igloo-search-engine. I'd also like it if it told you the date that item was released when you looked at it in your inventory. I'm in

  5. I'm in! #IglooRebellion

  6. AWESOMEEEE! Totally support this idea :D


  8. I love this idea. I will support it!
