Tuesday 22 July 2014

July 2014 Updates!

Today I have been updating certain areas of the blog that needed improving. Here is a list of the UPDATED or NEW features :

- Chat
If you have been on this page you will remember the 'Igloo Tip Exchange'. This chat is now out of order and has been replaced with a BRAND NEW chat called 'Antarctic Igloos'. This chat is for everyone to use including friends of mine, readers of this blog and even authors here. There aren't any rules but you might get banned in certain circumstances. http://xat.com/antarcticigloos 

- Shop Igloos
 As you know, Job Duty is currently airing on my channel. If you prefer to skip to the igloo, now there's a whole archive of all the igloos featured in the series. Just visit the 'Shop Igloos' page listed above and you will find the Shop Igloos available for you to get inspiration from. -> Shop Igloos

- Igloo Ideas [S3] *VIDEOS*
You may or may not have noticed, but in the sidebar, there are video pages available where you can watch every episode from any of my igloo shows. Today I completed a new page for 'Igloo Ideas [S3]' but in videos. If you've ever missed an episode, this is the place to look! You don't even need to search through my channel. Although, I would appreciate it if you subscribed ;) -> Igloo Ideas [S3] *VIDEOS*

- Job Duty *Videos*
As well as a new videos page for Igloo Ideas [S3], there is also a new page for Job Duty videos. The show where I create shop igloos or igloos to featured in a mall. You might find this page interesting because the first season of Job Duty is my first set of videos on my channel as well as some of my first real attempts at igloos. Check it out! Job Duty [S1] and [S2] videos -> Job Duty *Videos*

- Igloo Ideas List
Not much to say other than I added some more igloos to the list -> Igloo Ideas List

- About Us
This page has been updated as well to add Blackmist and to remove the authors that have left over the past weeks -> Abous Us

^Note : I still need to add some links on some pages

Also, since some people left the blog, any new suggestions from people? You can suggest yourself.


  1. I think Sammy, Mcduck and Babycrier would be great additions to the blog!

  2. I think Rockingyaz would be a great addition to the blog!

  3. Peace36659 (don't want to log in)22 July 2014 at 18:39

    I think Mcduck or Babycrier would be very good additions to the blog!

  4. I think Rockingyaz, Cheezlovermw, Verusya are great people to join the blog..I'm also going to suggest myself LOL, but the people I listed are much better igloo makers I think.

    1. OMG it's tiny 238!!! you are my idol I have seen your work on blizzard and on your youtube account:) you are so talented she should be on this website and Im surprised she isn't already

    2. Thank you so much, you just made my day :)
