Igloo editing is a much loved feature in Club Penguin and I'm sure you want your players to have the joy of showing their creativity. However, the new igloo editing system (introduced in 2012) needs some changes. A newer system would be great which would combine elements from both the old and current igloo editing systems. The new system could work by using a grid to display our inventory items (like in the old style) but instead of clicking on an item and it is placed in our igloo for us (the old style), we can drag it and the grid will disappear whilst dragging so that we can edit on the full igloo/location without anything covering up the space. As well as improving the editing system, A LOT of players have been asking about raising the item limit which currently stands at 99 items. I know that it wouldn't be possible to completely abandon the item limit but why not raise it? 120 would be perfect as it allows us to fill the igloo and also add in the extra detail which igloo makers are craving for. Don't get me wrong, I love some of the new features like editing on a location but if we want to give players the best experience you should pay attention to what the players are asking for. I hope you take my opinions on board, thank you and waddle on!
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