Sunday 9 March 2014


Hey everyone, on a total unrelated note, I want to announce a new project I'm working on.  This new project will air on my channel possibly next Thursday? It is called 'Club Penguin Updated' and will combine cheats with sneak peeks and Q&A's

But I need your help! In the episodes there will be Q&A's so I need you guys to send me some questions... all you need to do is use the hashtag #AskHarryCp on twitter and ask a question. If you do not have twitter you can also do the following :
  • Leave the question in this posts comment section.
  • Leave a comment on my newest youtube video using #AskHarryCp
  • Leave a comment on my channels discussion page using #AskHarryCp 
The first episode will be a pilot so it may not continue after 1 episode. 

I will look forward to hearing your questions!

More of me :
Twitter :
Youtube :


  1. I have lots of questions...
    1. What made you first play cp?
    2. How did you get into igloo designing?
    4. Where do you live in the world?
    5. Do you prefer cake or pie?
    6. Roughly who do you hang out with most in the community
    7. New cp or old cp? (New ftw)
    8. What are your thoughts on takeovers?
    9. Favourite party?
    10. Favourite igloo ever?
    11. Do you have a girlfriend ;)
    12. How long does it take to make an igloo
    13. What inspired you to make the escape videos?
    14. Do you consider yourself as famous
    15. And finally what's your favourite colour;)

  2. 1. Whose your favorite author?
    2. Who made the best igloo you've ever seen?
    3. What are your goals for the blog?

  3. who are the 10 best igloo designers you know?

    1. I know this is for Harry but I couldn't resist answering myself:

      10. Net sky
      9. Mikesta
      8. Flipper jay
      7. Robbery
      6. Baby mario ds
      5. Rosytilly
      4. Sofia
      3. Alex
      2. Harry
      1. The Dodger
      Maybe I'm being a little extreme idk whatever thx for bothering to read ;)

    2. 10 being the best or the worst? :/

    3. nvm im terrible anyway no need to rank me

  4. What! you are good. Okay? These are the top 10, 1 being the best, 10 being the tenth best. I'm not saying netsky is the worst, he's just number 10.
