Monday 10 March 2014

I'm Back - Lildudee10's Rescue Squad Training Camp!

Hi everyone

Lil here, yes, I'm back! I'm surprised I haven't been deleted as an author so thanks for keeping me on Harry! :) oh and also 22,000 hits which feels amazing to be part of such a popular site that hasn't been around for too long!

Here is a new, original igloo. I do a lot of camp style igloos but I find them easiest to make. This is my rescue squad training camp, perfect for wilderness training and  it includes:
  • Two medical tents, one medical research and the other treatment.
  • Four tents for camping
  • Forest atmosphere 
  • Pretty scenery including flowers :3
  • Tomato patch (for tomato soup etc.)
  • Open fire cooking area!
Lildudee10's Rescue Squad Training Camp
Thanks for reading!!

-Lil x


  1. WTF so many trees��

    1. That's Lil's signature style

    2. I like trees. They help the environment.

    3. Trees FTW!

  2. Glad to see ya back.

  3. I like the trees, the medic tents, and the little 2 gardens at the bottom. The plants, trees, flowers, and the floor really bring the igloo together. However, the tents are creative, but not original and I'm not sure why there are red carpets. 6/10.

    1. Thanks!! Kinda rushed on this igloo so its a bit messy and I don't even know what I was thinking with the red carpets, thanks for the feedback!!!! -Lil

  4. Thanks :3 New igloo from my sister tomorrow!! -Lil
