Thursday 13 March 2014

University made by Netsky

Hey guys! Today I made a university! check it out!


I know, It's not my best work...
Please tell me what you think in the comments below!


  1. This is very realistic compared to other 'colleges' I see. 8.5/10. Good job.

  2. Netsky what are you on about, 'It's not my best work'... IT'S YOUR BEST WORK!!!!! The exterior 10/10 no doubt it's just so lifelike and realistic. The skyscraper matches the windows, the building is modern, there are outdoor areas to accompany the building.

    Inside, i'm going to give it a 9/10. For me the auditorium didn't work because it was so different from everything on the left hand side if that makes sense, I would have just added classrooms instead. On the left side I liked all the study areas and conversation spots. You included an entrance to match the outdoor modern theme, and even added a modern statue, well thought! The book shelf area could have been done a bit better as the fire place was a bit random.

  3. Are you kidding me?! I agree with Harry this is your best work. Exterior- this university looks EXACTLY like my older sister college, she goes to. 10/10. Interior- I love how you put lots of chairs because they're like 30 students in a classroom. I love the library, the only I don't like is the New York buildings on the wall. 10/10
    p.s. I hardly, if ever give a 10/10 rating, so congrats!!!

  4. dude! this is the best igloo i have ever seen but yet not a ten its a 9.75/10 i quite didnt like the roof for the exterior

  5. Dude I love it can you name the items you used I might have them for exterior and interior
