Sunday 2 March 2014

Candy Crush Igloo by Flipperjay13

It's Flip here with another attempt at making an app/game-related igloo (last time I did Flappy Bird)! Today I made the Candy Crush icon out of puffle beds. I attempted to make it look as much like the icon as possible using only puffle beds! Here it is:

This igloo took me 2 tries to make. I might improve it to make it look more similar, and if I do that I will update the image. Remember to use your imagination to see the image (I know it might be hard to see at first!). Please leave a rating and let me know if you want me to do more puffle art igloos. Thanks for reading! 


  1. I'm not usually a fan of puffle art igloos but this is good. But I'd rather you did more creative, original 'igloos' rather than bed art.

    1. I know and don't worry I'll be posting original igloos. It's just that I really enjoy making these types of igloos. =)

    2. I like making flags from them :)

  2. This is pretty good. I am in love with Candy Crush Saga. Nice try.

    1. Nice try? Does that mean it's good or bad...
