Saturday 22 March 2014

Igloo Discoveries #24: Shrek Igloo by Babycrier

Rob here again with another igloo discoveries and today's igloo is another awesome igloo by Babycrier for the 6th time! This igloo resembles a fairly tail Shrek which is one of my favourite movies, What I like about this igloo is how it is neat and creative!

Nice Job Babycrier!


  1. This igloo is good. 6/10. It's creative but I still don't see the neat part. I hope Babycrier will blow me away with a neat igloo next time he is featured in Igloo Discoveries. And I don't understand where the shrek is? I see the swamp area and the castle entrance to far far away but if it were just a normal fairy tale it would make more sense.

  2. It's a good igloo but not sure whether it represents Shrek.
