Saturday 22 March 2014

Pirates vs Mermaids by Lildudee10


Now I know what you're thinking - Pirates vs Mermaids is a very cliche igloo idea, and though it's something I wouldn't normally make it was something I enjoyed to make.

 Firstly I want to thank the amazing Bubblesducky for suggesting this idea (thank you very much for the idea) :D. Anyway, I'm not really sure how I feel about this igloo, I don't exactly like it but hey - it took me a while so I may as well post it here.

So, here it is, and it includes:
  • Pirate Ship including cages, captains area and cooking area
  • Two mermaid areas beside the boat 
  • Beach/cove background
  • Waterfalls and tropical plants
Lildudee10's Pirates vs Mermaids
Please tell me what you think below and my next igloo will probably be Easter themed or something :)

Cya soon

-Lil x


  1. AMAZING, You're best igloo in a while :)

  2. It may be one of the best pirates vs mermaids I've seen so far. 8.8/10

    1. Almost forgot, you're very welcome and thank you for your kind words. :) If you're doing something Easter themed then I have a few ideas, Easter egg hunt, Easter forest or idk.
