Sunday 30 March 2014


In the honour of mother's day, my family and I saved up to buy a car for my mum. So, today, I've decided to show you how to make a simple car using things that CP probably never thought could be used as a car when designing them. You will need:
Wow, did not expect the picture to be that big...

  • 2 Modern Couches
  • 2 Puffle Balls (hehe)
  • 1 Puffle Guard
  • 1 Soccer (Football) Net
Then, you can arrange them as follows:
Make sure you adjust the window so you can fit inside, though. If you want to take it to extremes like me, you can make a whole parking lot of cars!
I hope this is helpful if you ever need to make a car for your igloo! Obviously you can make it with other coloured couches and change the puffle guard colour too. There can also be extra add-ons, like changing it to a taxi with the
construction barrier at the top or making a van by turning around the back couch. Hope you enjoyed! Bye!



  1. Dear Igloo Idea Authors,
    How do you come up with great ideas for your igloos?

    1. Hahaha, I guess sometimes the newest catalog's inspire us. if you need a list of ideas when not go to the 'Igloo Ideas (List) page'

    2. You can also ask for ideas in the Igloo Tip Exchange chat.

  2. When you said in honor of mother's day, my first thought was oh snap I forgot to get my mom something, but then I realized in the UK mother's day is today, in the US mother's day is may 11. lol.

    1. Lol I was confused by that last May 11. Everyone was arriving at my house with presents my mum thought it was for Mother's Day but it was for my birthday :P

  3. Is this inspired on Alyssa570 car idea? because it's exactly the same

    1. No... I've seem similar somewhere but not like this. I'll check her site, though.
