Friday 21 March 2014

Igloo Discoveries #22 : Theatre at the Beach

Hey everyone, I was supposed to feature this igloo yesterday but I have an even better reason today, check out Bubblesducky's Theatre at the Beach igloo :

It looks like I need the the toilet hehe

I like this igloo because It's a new approach for a Theatre and the stage it set out so originally :) Whilst logging onto Field Friday, Polo AND Megg visited the igloo :

Look what Polo Field had to say on twitter :O

I even got to do a duet with Megg and talk about English weather with Polo. Enough about me, congrats Bubblesducky, I'm glad I am friends with you so I could see it before everyone else ;)


  1. Mostly empty, but I love the idea of a beach concert and with the audience seating there's not much you can do but she has pulled it off this time. The stage was a beautiful design and the layout of each part fitted perfectly.

    1. I know, I might add a few things. I'm not totally sure though and thanks.

  2. Just noticed he toilet thing XD OMG laughing out loud for real. I laugh at the most pathetic things. Btw harry do you have any news on the tip exchange thig you were talking about it? And do you think I would be able to join the blog anytime soon?

    1. wanna join the blog?
      -pm him on youtube
      -You have to show him your igloos (screenshots)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. OMG CONGRATS! very neat and looks lovely!! 8/10

  4. Wow this igloo is very creative, neat, and balanced. 8/10, Good job Bubblesducky.

  5. :O Thank you!

  6. It's amazing!! Well done bubblesducky 9/10 :D
