Imma going to get my kantos gym badge! hey y'all!i made a pokemon gym! it has a recovery station and the pokemon... i forgot my pokemon stuff... anyways here it is!
and here is a gif to entertain you :P plz leave a rating below! until next time! GOTTA CATCH EM ALL!
Hi Mario! I really love this igloo as it is super cool, original and creative. I especially love the pokemon centre section of the igloos and the items you used to create it and make an accurate recreation. In the gym, I think the color code is really cool because I could see by using red and silver you were representing the colors of the pokeball! The gym is very accurate however I felt it was a little empty. Loving these vigloos wooo 9/10 for this igloo :)
Such a creative idea. I think the lower left half is a bit empty, who really cares though. Apart from that I'd say it deserves 900/1000. Your vigloos are just brilliant so far =)
joey like lil said its not a real gym its like a battle arena for pokemons and each gym is for a diffrent pokemon type (fire,water,bug,ice,fire,fairy,dragon,electric,rock,flying,steel,ghost,physic,fighting, poison(idk if there is a poison gym tbh) and this one is just a normal gym so its like a sports hall you are correct and thats kinda the point and people can watch the battle!
this is super creative / awesome 10/10
ReplyDeleteHi Mario! I really love this igloo as it is super cool, original and creative. I especially love the pokemon centre section of the igloos and the items you used to create it and make an accurate recreation. In the gym, I think the color code is really cool because I could see by using red and silver you were representing the colors of the pokeball! The gym is very accurate however I felt it was a little empty. Loving these vigloos wooo 9/10 for this igloo :)
ReplyDeleteSuch a creative idea. I think the lower left half is a bit empty, who really cares though. Apart from that I'd say it deserves 900/1000. Your vigloos are just brilliant so far =)
ReplyDeleteI thought a gym was where you worked out and this looks more like a sports hall and it was a bad idea to use thefootlight stages
ReplyDeleteJoey, this is a pokemon gym. It's really different to a gym in real life as this is where battles happen between pokemon trainers etc.
Deletejoey like lil said its not a real gym its like a battle arena for pokemons and each gym is for a diffrent pokemon type (fire,water,bug,ice,fire,fairy,dragon,electric,rock,flying,steel,ghost,physic,fighting, poison(idk if there is a poison gym tbh) and this one is just a normal gym so its like a sports hall you are correct and thats kinda the point and people can watch the battle!
Deletelmao I know nothing about pokemon