Thursday 12 June 2014

Hey Guys!

Hey guys! Sorry for being gone, I've been busy with school, sports, and friends. I will be posting igloos periodically. I don't like posting igloos before the video uploads, but here are some of my igloos I've made in the last few months. I will try to post igloos every 2-3 weeks, but it depends since I only make igloos for videos, so I hope you can understand. So expect a new igloo every once and awhile!  


Old People Home: 

Western Town: 

Please rate and let me know what you think below!


  1. 7.5/10, 8/10 and 9/10 respectively.

  2. Zoo : Would of liked more exhibits and you can walk into the exhibits which is strange as who would want to walk into a bear's home... 8/10

    Old Folks Home : Dojo items are a little weird and the bookshelves aren't perfectly alligned. 8/10

    Western Town : Didn't like the use of the anicent benches and theCP flooring used at the bottom didn't look good. You had the correct colour choises though. Would of liked more decoration of the wall. 8.10

  3. hey rem

    can i copy the old people shelter i give all it 10 out of 10

    1. Sure. On CP only please, as I'm uploading a video of these igloos on youtube.

  4. Zoo: 7.5/10 - Needs more exhibits, and the one with all the trees clumped up together was strange.
    Old People Wome: 9/10 - Loved it, not many things to complain about.
    Western Town: 8/10 - Not bad either, I love the store as well.
