Saturday 14 June 2014

Jjoeyxx Igloos #13 - #SchoolSpecial 3: Science Classroom

Hi guys it's joey and i've got the next school special igloo - this time, it's some chemistry/biology/physics (i.e. science) classroom/thing. Here it is:
This igloo was probably the hardest to make out of the other ones I've done (thanks to item limit and flooring issues :/) but I managed to squeeze in..

  • The corridor continuing from the maths classroom with some lockers
  • The Entrance to the canteen/lunch area where I am standing
  • The actual classroom with a C-shaped desk arrangement, large number of sinks, teachers desk, chalkboard and fume experiment area in the centre
  • The chemical store where surprisingly enough chemicals are stored
Hopefully you like it but I know it's not my best!
<side note> 
You can check out some of my best and worst (cough*santa's sleigh*cough) igloos on The Igloo Challenge which premiered today on Youtube and which you can watch on Blackmistcp's channel. New episodes every Saturday!
</side note>
Next week I'll be back with 2 more igloos including the continuation of my school special with the Geography and IT classrooms! Bye!

P.S. Excuse me foreign language skills I am absolutely terrible at them.

Magical Igloos Series 1:

  1. Petite Ville Français
  2. Pirate Ship
  3. Spring Garden
  4. Winter Path
  5. Ghost Train
  6. My House
  7. Spring Path
  8. Beach Party
  9. Abandoned Street And Graveyard
  10. May Fair
  11. School Special #1: Entrance, Staff Room and Headmaster's Office
  12. School Special #2: Maths and English Classes
  13. School Special #3: Science Classes
  14. School Special #4: Geography and IT Classes
  15. School Special #5: Lunch Area and Lockers
  16. Restaurante Mexicano
  17. Português Recurso


  1. I love the explosion, that's why science is cool. The sinks and tables make it seem like a real science class room. The only complaint is the storage room is a bit empty. 9.5/10 I can't wait to see the whole school together.

  2. Portuguese Appeal? Hmmmm.. Thanks for a new idea that's based on my country btw :3.
