Saturday 7 June 2014

Igloo Discoveries #31: Hidden Lake

Whilst watching Harry's all new 'Job Duty' video I came across Bexy's account. Once there, I came across an amazing igloo video entitled "Hidden Lake". Instantly I went to her igloo on Club Penguin and fell in love with her igloo. Check out what I found!
This is one of the best outdoors igloo I've ever seen! I love how she made the lake look circular and I can totally imagine this igloo being a Club Penguin room. What do you think? I'd love to hear feedback! Comment below with a score out of 10!


  1. 9/10 You're so right it looks like a real room but maybe a little more tropical?

  2. 9/10 Like Joey said, it could be a little bit more tropical since it's a hidden lake. Lakes usually have tropical parts inside them.

  3. 8/10. This is very unique and synthesized in terms of the circular form to add focus to the center point. :) Though it could use some brighter furniture and elements that strike action into the audience.

    ~Perapin :)

  4. I love Bexy's unique igloo style! I love this igloo but it could use a splash of colour :) 9/10

  5. Hahaha you beat me to it - I was going to post this igloo haha! I really LOVE this igloo, especially because of the circular effect. I love the little fire area in the middle. I do agree with Perapin though that their should of been more bright colours to make it eye-catching. Also the bottom left/right corners were a bit messy. 9/10!

  6. ok I'm being honest i kinda hate this igloo idk what you guys are seeing it just looks like someone barfed up nature, like you messed up the nature stuff you don't have savanna grass and snow i feel the layout is amazing! but the items are... really bad i feel like this igloo would be better without the nature stuff and its really dark the items are making me give it a 5.5/10 (sorry bexy i have to be honest)
